First Day Questions

What is your previous computer experience?
I have had a computer for almost a year now. I built my computer and I am always on my computer for a couple hours a day. Took digital cinema in high school. Play a lot of video games, edit clips and post them on instagram. I am going to start editing videos and posting them on Youtube.

What do you hope to get out of this class?
I hope to learn how to fully use Photoshop and Illustrator. To be able to fully understand every tool in both programs

What is your experience with Photoshop and Illustrator?
I used Photoshop one marking period in middle school.

Do you have a computer at home? If so dose it have Photoshop and Illustrator?
I do have a computer at home, but does not have Photoshop or Illustrator. 

Do you use a Mac or PC?
I use PC.

What do you hope to do with your major?
I am not really sure what I want to with my major at the moment, I hope to find out throughout the courses I have to take.

Who is your favorite artist?
I don't have a favorite artist. I like every artist the same, but don't have a one that is my favorite.

Who is your favorite musician? 
Again, I don't have a favorite musician. Same as the last question.

Tell me something interesting about yourself?
I play sports and play video games. I work everyday that I am not in school. I stream on Twitch.

Write a five line story?
There was a boy, who got a computer for Christmas. The boy was excited and wanted to build it immediately, so he could play some games. The next day, the boy and his father built the computer, he had no idea it would take up majority of the day. Once it was finished being built and the computer was working, the boy made sure to set up his computer before doing anything. The boy was so excited to be able to play on his computer that he built. He downloaded his favorite games and got to play and have fun with all of his friends, the boy had an amazing Christmas.

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