
Movie Poster


Project 1


Animal Abducted


Homework #3

The way that designers and the people at Nike are alike in a way is fascinating. People at Nike just have a more clear point of view. Nike being able to come up with more advancements on shoes that have already came out shows how good they are at their jobs. The way the designers come up with new ways to improve on a game changing shoe is amazing. Being able to look at something and be like "What if you put this on a shoe?" is a cool thing. Designing shoes isn't easy either, you can come up with something, but then have to design how it fits the shoe. It may not improve the shoe from the last shoe that was released. It is still neat to see that designers can do so much when it comes to making shoes.

Intro To PS 2


Ted Talk Response

I find the Ted Talk amazing the way she talks about all these different designs that are strange. The gas mask for example people would have thought that was bizarre, but it actually is a good design. She opens your mind up to seeing designs differently. You can look at a weird design after watching the Ted Talk and you will realize why it looks weird. Once you understand the design you know why it looks that way. You will be able to create your own designs and use other designs to help make your own better. This Ted Talk opened up a lot of doors that were closed.